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Recent purchases

October 24th, 2005 at 04:29 pm

I started the weekend off with a $150 (incl. tip) visit to the salon for hair and highlights. It's still cheaper than what I was paying when I lived closer to Boston. I hate spending that much, but I'll never be able to go DIY on haircuts, and I'm too vain to cut out the highlights. At least I can get away with only doing it four times a year.

I spent just over $25.00 at Amazon today and qualified for free shipping. I'd been waiting for a particular book on my wish list to end up in my Gold Box again (I get the same offers over and over, it seems), and it did this morning. Unfortunately, I only saved .50.

Hopefully, I can keep spending down to the bare minimum this week. I've got plenty of frozen soups for lunch in case I don't get around to cooking.

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